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Announcing The Temple and Effigy for Blazing Swan 2022

By October 10, 2021October 16th, 2021Events, Volunteer

Our two headline Art pieces for Blazing Swan 2022 : Poseidon’s Flame have been selected by our Arts panel. Big thank you to all of those who have submitted! Whilst we cannot give away the details of their jaw dropping designs (some things are just better left to the magic of the Blaze) we can introduce the faces behind the masterpieces.




Design and Artistic Lead: Brooke Andrews

Construction Lead: Ronnie Broad

Founding member Brooke Andrews showcases her mythical and grand temple design. A member of DPW for 6 years, Gate for 8 years and vast and varied crew experience from Burns all over the globe, she has the knowledge and experience to match. Paired up with veteran temple designer and experienced Burner and builder Ronnie Broad (from 2021’s Chakiaris Temple), who has been a part of multiple builds with Seed, this dream team is sure to create a spectacular experience on the night of the Temple.



Designer: Angus Priest

Construction Lead: Angus Priest

Founding member, Veteran burner, and fire addict. Angus plans to showcase a spectacular ignition sequence for our Effigy this year. Combining his knowledge and experience of pyrotechnics with his experience building Blazing Swan’s Temple and Effigy on the same year and other large fire sculptures for the event, it’s definitely going to be a Big Bang ignition!!

“As one of the 12 or so people that got together up in the hills of Perth and said ‘let’s make this happen’, and so Blazing Swan was born. I’ve seen from the very first day what we as a Community can create together and just look at where we are now! We all have our own reasons for why we are a Burner or Blazer and mine is quite simple really – my art is fire and there is nothing that makes me happier than starting a really big one. I get to do that at Swan. So the Pillars of Poseidon is my gift to all of you and I’m looking forward making it a beautiful one.”